Aug 4, 2016
On today's episode I talk to
Suki Kim, a novelist, investigative journalist and the only
writer ever to go live undercover in North Korea to investigate
and write a book from the inside. In 2002, she travelled to
North Korea, where she witnessed both Kim Jong-il’s 60th Birthday
celebrations as well as his death, and she later wrote a number of
pieces for Harper's about the country. Suki is a recipient of a
Guggenheim, a Fulbright, and a George Soros Foundation Open Society
fellowship. As well, her first novel, The Interpreter, was
a finalist for a PEN Hemingway Prize, and her aforementioned book
of investigative literary nonfiction, Without You, There Is No
Us: Undercover Among the Sons of North Korea's Elite is a
New York Times bestseller.
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